Vibrational Review: Jesus Christ

religions of the world including ChristianityI get my ideas of whose vibration to measure from people who search for names on my site.

Lots of people search for “Jesus vibration”

How do I measure vibration?

Step 1: I connect to Source.
Step 2: I connect to the person or idea I want to measure.
Step 3: I say: more than 200 and muscletest
Step 4: If it is more than 200, I say more than 210, more than 220, etc. and I muscletest until my fingers open signifying a no. If it is not more than 200, I go downward from 200, until my fingers open.


I have been asking to connect to Jesus… no result. The Christ: no result. Joshuah: no result.

When I ask if there was a person like that, the answer is no.

I hate to alienate the 2.1eight billions of Christians, but Christianity was a manufactured religion.

christiansEven Osho 1 compromised: he would never have made it as big as he did, had he said there was no Jesus. In the beginning he was ranting on this Jesus, but later he mellowed, after all he was running a business. He elevated Jesus to enlightened stature… except that I think he knew well that he did not exist. No historical facts, no mention of him, nothing. Other than the brief documents supposedly written by the disciples.

Oh well, what a great story.

Just like Anastasia’s story is great. I wish it were true. Or Krishna’s story. Or pretty much anyone who claimed that there is god, and it’s them, or they know about them.

Do I wish there were a god? Sure. I would get direct line to them.

So then what is Source I am connected to? I don’t know. It is both inside and outside, it is both all of it outside, and the core of me, all of it inside.

I don’t even know if the intelligence that has been guiding me is Source or what… One of the must’s, if you want to become One, is to own nothing. Probably not literally, and maybe yes… I don’t know yet. But ever since I got clear that it’s my path to become One (not The One, mind you, just one… not divided) I have got to a point when I own nothing… literally. And at the same time I enjoy life more, be more, that I ever was when I owned things. Very weird.

CYSIu-300x232There is a huge movement going on that calls inner peace equivalent with connection. Not so. As an empath I can tell, that

  1. Inner peace is highly overrated, and is craved by the disturbed you. And you want to get to inner peace without having to do any work.
  2. Watching some of my students “demonstrating inner peace” I have found that they force themselves unconscious, unaware, they go into a sleep-like mode, and that is what masquerading as inner peace. Might as well go dead… that is the ultimate inner peace.

You are half way there… I mean half way to dead.

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

PS: I am re-reading Osho’s collection of talks on the “gospel of Thomas” that was supposedly discovered in a cave around the end of WW2.

The stuff is quite brilliant, obviously written not much before the world war… But Osho grooves on loving this Jesus, and hating the Jews… I think that’s why I stopped reading him for two years, I have no stomach for Jew haters.

Anyway, if you have a chance, read my republished articles of Osho… including the “gospel of Thomas” lectures. They are instructive.

  1. 20th Century spiritual teacher I love to read

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

11 thoughts on “Vibrational Review: Jesus Christ”

  1. Sophie, you might try to muscle test the name Yeshua Ben Joseph, rather than the name Jesus.

  2. Yes I can see how fear drives people. There’s a balance between it being a motivator and it being something that paralyses you or renders you so scattered that you can’t get anything done anyway. I don’t fear death itself but do fear it being a painful/frightening experience – that I would say is my human nature aspect.

    Thanks for the book recommendation. I am going to get a copy. I’m dipping into Youval Harari’s 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. He has some interesting ideas (my opinion).

  3. In my humble opinion the benefit of ‘negative’ feelings, like fear, to push us the other direction. So fear of death’s value, to a person who can withstand and separate themselves from the fear… as they really are, fear of death is what makes them achieve a life worth living… a life that is impossible while you are afraid… Fear, if you identify with it, makes you shrink.

    I am both afraid and unafraid of death… but don’t spend time with it, identifying with it, being mired in it, because it is the puppet-master and I am committed to being free.

    I recommend Robert Greene’s books, especially the Laws of Human Nature… here, in my work, I am especially dealing with that, and endeavor freeing people from being a slave to their emotions, like fear, or greed, or wanting love.

  4. Yes but I definitely need to always check with myself why I am doing things at the moment and stop when it’s the doom pattern. And then I smile and laugh.

    I am reading Osho’s The Mustard Seed. I’m only in Chapter 1. Do you think that only the insane fear death? It’s our one certainty but society is obsessed with delaying it for as long as possible. Can you learn valuable lessons from those who fear death themselves? Death is always seen as something morbid and horrid and that’s because all we see is the very human sadness that we are left with when another passes. But for the person who is gone it may be the most blissful experience and far better than an Earthly life.

  5. Sophie, I can’t express what a weight it feels like you lifted off me. Just knowing I don’t have to try and fill that void, forever searching for something, anything, yet always ending in feeling empty. That I don’t have to live that life, it’s such a revelation to me. Thank you.

  6. Hi Sophie, I’m starting to come to an understanding that much of what is recounted in the bible could not have happened as it was recounted, or that it occurred to a lesser extent but was described in very prosaic and primitive ways such that meanings have been changed etc.

    Much of the bible was chosen to conform to what the Church wanted it to be so that they retained control over the population and Governments holding huge amounts of power.

    I saw in another article that you recorded the Jewish and Christian bible as having some truth value.

    Is it your opinion that although fiction, it does have some wisdom within it i.e. as a piece of literature the content isn’t totally irrelevant? Much of what Jesus teaches in the NT has been taken literally and out of context.

    I have spent so long trying to fully buy into religion to feed my anchor of doom and following our call, I am realising that whenever I am looking for things that I can ‘get’ something from, it is my doom trying to get me to feed it. Now when I see that I laugh and think, Stop chasing this endless piece of string and do something you enjoy. Stop looking and just do something, unless I am actually learning something that interests me. I’m noticing the subtle difference between doing something because I am trying to fill the void and doing something because it’s enjoyable. Thank you!

  7. I’m currently enrolled in “The Bible as Literature” at my University and I just find the setting a bit hysterical now. It’s weird (but in a good observational way) to sort of view humanity in front of me operating under falsehood. Living in the southern part of the United States also adds to this observational joy as the stereotypical religious fervor of the South is just a tad correct on occasion.

    You’re a pleasure to read!

  8. You are an original teacher! Believe in Bhagwan, not in Jesus. That’s bold. Gospel of Ayn Rand good. The other four gospels, just stories. The mind is being blown. I have long considered myself a secular Christian. Yes, a piece of shtick, I know. Is it worth doing the thought exercise that there was no Jesus, sure. Is it too much to want to distance myself from the whole Abrahamic tradition of sin and punishment and blood sacrifice. I like monotheism as much as Akhenaten. Really, I’m kind of a deist. I believe there is God, but I’m not sure we can know or contact him or her. Anyway, Mother Teresa suffered her whole life from a feeling of missing faith. Oh, Sophie, you are a trip.

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